Best Drake Parker Moments

Drake Parker, played by actor and musician Drake Bell, is by far my favorite character on Drake and Josh. I found him hilarious, and it also didn't help that I was a huge fan of Drake Bell's music as well. I even went to a Drake Bell concert when he was near my hometown and got his autograph! Drake was the stereotypical high school popular kid that was good with the ladies, but not with his classes. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, and constantly proved he only looks out for himself, but every other episode or so you would find he had a heart and deep down cares for his loved ones. Below are some of my favorite moments/quotes of him.

1. The time he was numba one

Season 3, Episode 9. Drake and Josh find out they met each other way before they became step-brothers at a Dodgers game. They got into a brawl over the very last foam finger. When it comes to light that Drake still had the foam finger, the old feud was reignited.

2. The time with the sushi line

Season 4, Episode 7. Drake and Josh find themselves in a real pickle in this I Love Lucy spinoff. In order to get some extra cash, they get a job at a sushi factory. During their first shift, the conveyer belt starts off easy for them but then gets progressively harder. Drake eventually resorts to throwing the sushi on the ceiling to make it stick and make their employer none the wiser. It doesn't work out as he planned.

3. The time you realize he really does need to pay attention in class

Season 4, Episode 2. This is just one of the many examples of when Drake showed he had so many gaps in his knowledge. Yes Drake, there is a New Jersey.

4. The time he was in a TV show

 drake and josh drake bell take it easy drake josh drake parker GIF

Season 3 Episode 14. Drake always had a way with getting his way, almost magically without him even trying. Good things always happened to him on the show. Drake once was hired to be on a TV show on the spot right before they started filming. He had one line, "Woah, just take it easy, man". 

5.  The time he almost got away with it

drake josh doctor note

Season 3, Episode 16. Getting out of homework was something Drake tried to do a lot. This one did not display his expertise in the area and Josh was not impressed. Get better soon, Drake.


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