An Overview of Nickelodeon's Drake & Josh

Hi all,

Looking back on how many TV shows I watched when I was a kid, I am pretty confident that I am an expert when it comes to judging great cinematography. There were many shows that I watched multiple times over, but the one that has had a lasting impression on me was the mega-hit Drake & Josh. It was a show that many people my age could relate to, whether it would be with silly sibling rivalries, corny parent jokes, or awkward situations at school. Although Megan would always make me realize how lucky I was to have such great sisters, the bond between Drake and Josh always made me jealous that I didn't have a brother to share those moments with. 

They were a symbol of great brotherhood on the show and they still are today. They recently got into a disagreement due to a missed wedding invite and the public went nuts about it because they used to be such good role models of great friendship! Must have been Megan again...

This show exposed millennials to their first show that incorporated mature yet clean humor in its jokes. Yes, some of the jokes were corny, but the majority of the episodes are full of surprisingly witty and clever conversations that would make you roll on your floor with laughter. Today, you won't be able to find a new children's show that is so universally praised as Drake & Josh was when it was airing.

Debatably the most quotable line in the entire show. Gotta love it.

One of my favorite parts about the show is how it actually had life lessons within its episodes, which was incredibly valuable to young minds in our generation who were always developing what was right and wrong. The show constantly depicted bad behavior such as stealing and lying in a bad light, which reinforced in our minds how a good citizen behaves in the real world. 

Over the next few months, I plan on blogging about a specific episode or character of the show every week. I look forward to seeing what you guys think and I hope to take you on a trip to your late-night childhood TV binges. 



  1. I have never seen this show, so this will definitely inform me!


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