
Showing posts from October, 2017

A Review of "Megan's First Kiss"

Another one of my favorite episodes from Drake and Josh is Season 4, Episode 15: "Megan's First Kiss". This episode starts with Megan acting strangely and the brothers think she is up to no good. She abruptly ends a phone call when they enter the room and also randomly measures their necks. They start investigating and follow her to The Premiere with genius disguises, only to find out she is on a date. They also made a great catch phrase: The brothers notice the boy, Corey, is intending on kissing Megan during the movie, so they decide to get closer and intervene.  They end up embarrassing both Corey and Megan, and Corey breaks up with her and leaves. Drake and Josh end up feeling bad for ruining Megan's first relationship, and invite Corey over to the house to convince him to take her back. This involves the brothers having to give Corey multiple belongings, including one of Drake's guitars

A Review of "Josh is Done"

Season 4, Episode 12 Now that this blog has reviewed the majority of the major characters of Drake and Josh, it's time to dive into some of my favorite episodes the show has released. The first of which is "Josh is Done", which is the highest rated episode of the series on (9.4/10) and for good reason. It broke away from the goofy, lighthearted humor that the show normally used (although there was still plenty of that) and added an element of deep emotion that was very uncommon to Producer Dan Schneider's style. It was a turning point for the show that sent a powerful message to treat others with respect, no matter what your social status may be.  The intro to the episode explains that both Drake and Josh have a huge chemistry exam coming up. Each brother prepared for the test exactly how you would expect them to: Josh studied all night every night for a week, and Drake played a lot of ping pong. The morning of the test, Drake leaves Josh beh

Best Helen Dubois Moments

Ahhh Helen, the manager of The Premiere movie theater. She is a strict, hardworking woman that has a tremendous amount of sass. If anyone thinks that they can get the upper hand on her, they have another thing coming entirely. She is always in the mood to boss people around and get straight to business, with one exception. She absolutely adores Drake, who she thinks is just an angel sent from heaven. Here are my three favorite moments from the sass-master herself. P.S.: I apologize for any formatting issues, my laptop is not cooperating with me today. Gotta love it. 1. The time she should've won a Golden Globe In the "Theater Thug" episode, Helen makes sure to invite herself to be a part of the cast. Her directions were to just stand there and act scared, but it was obvious she wanted to have more of a vital role than that after the first take. The director has to ask her to go get him a donut across the street in order to do the scene without her. I t

Best Walter Nichols Moments

  Walter Nichols, father of Josh and step-father of Drake, is our second-favorite weatherman from the show (With Bruce Winchell and his hair obviously being our first). Walter displayed a great number of characteristics that mirrored Josh's such as his clumsiness, his ability to socialize (or rather, his lack thereof), and his uncanny skill in being used by others for their personal gain. He is also known for his corny dad jokes, which I am a huge fan of. Despite his quirks, he actually displayed many qualities of a great father and husband who was always looking out for his family. In fact, the only time him and his wife ever fought on the show was the episode called "The Affair", which was Drake's fault so it shouldn't count anyway. Combine all these reasons and you'll see why he is one of my favorite characters on the show. Here are my top 4 favorite moments of good ol' Walter. 1. The time he wore a dress After getting caught with fak