A Review of "Steered Straight"

Image result for drake and josh steered straight

Season 4, Episode 14. This is another episode in the series that is widely known as one of the most popular. "Steered Straight" gets Drake and Josh into a whole mess of trouble, and danger. The episode starts with Drake getting him and Josh tickets to see Josh's favorite band play at a nightclub called the Reptile Room, where you have to be over 21 to get into. Drake planned ahead, and got them both fake ID's. Their names were Jefferson Steelflex and Alvin Yakatori. Solid names, this should go off without a hitch right?

Wrong. Very wrong. The boys are brought home by two officers who suggest to their parents to enlist them in a steered straight program. The program shows people what it's like to be arrested. Walter and Audrey agree, and the boys are arrested and taken from the house. However, on the way to the police station, the officer responds to a robbery nearby. Things go awry very quickly when the robber steals the police car with Drake and Josh still in the backseat.

The robber, who says people call him "Blaze", assumes Drake and Josh are real criminals because they're handcuffed in the back of the car. To protect their identities, they introduce themselves as Jefferson Steelflex and Alvin Yakatori. In an attempt to get dropped off at their house, Drake says they were planning on robbing a house tonight and asked to get dropped off there. This takes a wrong turn when Blaze agrees to rob the house with them. Once alone in the house, Drake and Josh try to call the police. Since they're both handcuffed, they had to come up with... interesting ways to dial the phone.

When that didn't work, Blaze comes back upstairs and asks who they're calling. Drake says he's calling their "crew" to plan to kidnap the governor. Blaze then thinks Drake and Josh are reeaaally badass, and calls his own crew to come plan the kidnapping. Once the crew gets there, Walter suddenly arrives home and the crew has to handcuff him, tape his mouth shut, and throw him in the closet. Walter was not happy about that...

Drake does give him a ball of yarn to play with to keep him occupied though, so that has to count for something right? Drake and Josh then think of a way to get the goons out of their house with Josh's magic kit. They stage an argument between them with fake blood and a fake hand. Josh ends up "bleeding" all over and Drake rips off Josh's "hand" and bites off the finger. This scares the goons and they all run out of the house. The ending scene is Drake, Josh, Megan, and Audrey at a Chinese restaurant recapping what happened. They then realize they had left Walter in the closet and forgot to take him out. 


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